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AJA Product Manager Eric Norrell offers an overview of key AJA products and applications for HD and 4K production, 后期制作, 和流媒体, along with a look at integrated solutions featuring AJA gear like the vMix Thunder.



AJA 于1993年在加州格拉斯谷成立. We started out making little tiny boxes that would convert various signal types around a switcher workflow, 所以我们一直参与现场制作. Common conversions included SDI-to-HDMI or HDMI-to-SDI or DVI. There are a lot of different digital connections in our digital age. To get a specific signal type it is into your switcher, sometimes requires conversions. Most cameras are smart enough to have multiple formats available as an output, but they’re not always the ones that your switcher can accept. For 22 years, AJA has been making converters to help with those problems.

Io 4 k

We also make KONA and Io boards and Thunderbolt boxes, 将视频信号输入计算机的方法有哪些. Traditionally they’ve been used to work with Adobe Premiere and other postproduction applications. 最近, 制作人已经在Wirecast和vMix中使用了它们, applications that enable you to do a multichannel switch with just a laptop and AJA boxes like the Io 4 k, 所示 图1(下面).

图1. ajaio 4K

The Io 4 k can do 4K I/O, but it can also do multichannel. 这是一个很棒的盒子. It makes it possible to take a commodity PC or Mac laptop and turn a Paladin- or vMix Go type of system.


This year we also started making a 4K production camera called the 接穗, which you can see on the camera operator’s shoulder on the left in 图1. 这是我们的第一台现场摄像机.

We’ve also been making camera recorders and solid state recorders used in Iive production as crash recorders for a long time, but with the CION we’ve put all of that capability into a box with a sensor and a lens mount, 使用了大量的转换和缩放技术. It can actually do up to 120fps RAW, which is especially useful in sports applications.

为流, 在这一点上,大多数用户将在相机上录制4K, 然后流式传输到标清或高清, given that most of the streaming audience is watching 360p, 480p, 或者720p视频. 而在国内, 人们需要一个漂亮的1080p图像, and some early adopters are watching 4K video from Netflix and some of the other avenues for distributing highband, 有线电视还没有做好准备.

我们还制作了一个名为TruZoom的产品(图2), below) uses some of our hardware scaling expertise to take a 4K raster size. Often, on shows like CSI, the characters will say, “增强! 增强! 增强!,并不断放大图像. That doesn’t actually exist unless you use something like TruZoom to do pixel interpolation and build that image in scaling.

图2. TruZoom

This technology is used very commonly in sports replay, but it can benefit your productions at any kind of event where you just have one camera. 例如, if I were speaking as part of a panel with 3 or 4 other speakers, the operator could easily have one camera filming the whole stage, but provide close-up shots on everyone because by building virtual cameras from within the 4K image.

图3(下面) shows a still from test footage shot by AJA at a NASA launch. They used about 10 of these virtual cameras because they were looking at different places, such as where a rocket is firing and they want to capture a certain color.

图3. 从4K图像创建高清虚拟摄像机.

This is a great example of using 4K today and taking an HD image out of that 4K raster so that you can use your traditional broadcast and/or streaming system with 1080p, 720p, 甚至是SD信号. It is an arbitrary scaler so you can zoom in as far as you want, 远远超出了合理的像素化程度. 对于一些运动应用来说,这很好.


图4(下面) shows a diagram of recording multi-cam for optimal delivery, with the cameras running into our solid state recorders and then out into our SDI router for monitoring, 然后是迷你转换器.

图4. 多凸轮记录图

If you have a unique shooting situation and you need a unique camera to fill that need, AJA的RovoCam值得一看.
The new software supports a broad range of AJA products including KONA 4, KONA 3 g, KONA LHi, 可纳加, Io 4 k, Io XT, Io Express和T-TAP
AJA's new Wirecast Plug-in replaced the previously released limited version, and now offers support for an extended range of AJA hardware products